General Certification Criteria/Renewal of Certification Criteria
(1) The following criteria will be applied by the Board to all applications for certification and all applications for renewal of certification:
(a) an individual applying for certification must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident (landed immigrant), or the holder of a work permit valid for work on a Canadian fishing vessel; and,
(b) an individual applying for certification must be 16 years of age or older; and,
(c) an individual who is employed full-time outside the harvesting sector of the commercial fishery, who does not meet the full-time fishing activity criteria defined in section 2(6), or an individual who is not a provincial resident of Newfoundland and Labrador will not be eligible for certification upgrading to Professional Fish Harvester Level I or Professional Fish Harvester Level II as described in sections 2(4)(5)(6)(7) (“provincial resident” means a Canadian or a landed immigrant whose principal residence is in the Province, or one who meets the requirements of the Elections Act, 1991 and can vote in the Province); and,
(d) certification with the Board must be renewed annually through the payment of the fee set by the Board and the Board has the right to deny, suspend or remove a professional fish harvester’s Apprentice, Level I or Level II certificate for failure to pay the fee set by the Board.
(2) A professional fish harvester who has been denied certification by the Board or who is dissatisfied with their category may appeal the Board’s decision to an independent appeal board established under the Act.